Clubs & Activities
Lincoln Hill High School students are welcome to participate in all activities and clubs offered at Lincoln Hill, as well as, those offered at Stanwood High School. Additionally, Lincoln Academy students are welcome to participate in Lincoln clubs and activities, as well as those offered at their home middle school (SMS or PSMS).
LA - Lincoln Academy Middle School Students
LHHS - Lincoln Hill High School Students
Lincoln Hill High School Social (LHHS only)
The Fall and Spring socials are celebrations of the LHHS school community. Twice a year, these events allow for an evening of dancing, food, games and activities, for LHHS students and their friends from SHS. Best of all, these events are completely free to students, supported by generous donations from the Lincoln Hill Booster Club. LHHS students decorate, plan and facilitate the activities, and curate the music. The Socials are great examples of the student-centered community at LHHS, even outside the classrooms.
Pancake Breakfast (LA & LHHS)
Once each quarter, the LHHS Leadership class partners with the Church Creek Campus kitchen staff to cook and serve an Advisory Pancake Breakfast. Often these advisory periods are simply about celebrating our school community with fluffy carbs and bacon, but they might also incorporate student awards, karaoke in the Commons, or other activities that promote the culture of Pride, Perseverance and Progress at Lincoln Hill High School and Lincoln Academy. A Lincoln tradition for over 10 years.
Gamer's Guild w/ Mr. Christensen - Wednesdays after school from 2:30 - 4:00 in Rm 138 (LA & LHHS)
Gamer's Guild is a social club that plays pen-and-paper tabletop role-playing games. Students create unique characters and are guided through an interactive adventure in which they decide how their characters will respond to challenges presented to the group. Students gain opportunities to contribute to team-based decisions that build ethical character, friendships, laughter, good memories, and a greater sense of belonging at school. Gamer's Guild is inclusive. Diversity - of students, the characters they create, and their roles within the game - is the default standard.
Shop After Hours w/Mrs. Lightbody - Mondays after school from 2:30 - 4:00 pm in Rm 135 (LA & LHHS)
Shop After Hours is an after-school program set up to give all students at Lincoln Hill High School and Lincoln Hill Academy access to the shop tools. It is a free time after school hours for any student who would like access to tools and computers. This includes woodworking tools, sheet metal tools, computer CAD, Laser cutters, 3D Printers & CNC mills. Safety requirements must be met to use any of the wood shop tools. The training for this is provided by Mrs. Lightbody, all students are welcome.
After School Credit Retrieval w/Mrs. Ricarte - Tuesdays from 2 - 3 pm in Rm 134 (LHHS only)
For high school students who are behind in credits - Credit Retrieval offers students a chance to recover missing credits and graduate on time, without having to do summer school. For more information, please talk to Counselor Christy Thompson or Principal Tod Klundt
LHHS/SHS Chess Club w/Mr. Baugh - Tuesdays & Wednesdays 2:30 - 4:00 @ SHS Rm 345 (High School Students only)
Learn to play Chess. Work on your game! Sharpen your skills with fellow players! All skill levels are welcome. Chess Team competitions start in November.