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Information about inclement weather and school delays or cancellations

With wintry weather possible in the coming days, here is a summary of how our decisions are made as to whether we delay or cancel school in times of inclement weather:

  • Safety first! We consider the safety of our children on buses, our student drivers, families driving and walking to school, and the safety of our staff, including our bus drivers.
  • We monitor weather patterns using multiple methods 24/7.
  • When there is a concern about school starting on time, our staff drives the roads throughout the district as early as 3 a.m. We take photos, check road conditions, monitor traffic, look for hazards, etc. We typically drive the roads multiple times in the early morning hours to determine if conditions are improving, worsening, or staying the same. 
  • We routinely monitor: 
    • Weather forecasts and models
    • Passable roads across the entire district (both Stanwood and Camano)
    • Accessibility and condition of parking lots and school buildings

Snow routes for our buses are available to view and download on our Snow Routes page.

We encourage families to be thoughtful of road conditions when frost or fog exist but do not rise the the level of school delays or closures.

We strive to decide about the school day by 5 a.m. Once the decision is made, we begin communicating with families and staff via phone, text, email, website, media, and more. 

Please make sure your home phone, cell phone, and email addresses are up-to-date and correct in your Skyward Family Access account — if not, please contact your child's school. And please check to make sure your email settings don't automatically filter messages from the school district into your junk mail.

You can also choose to add the number — 833-368-6178 — in your phone's contacts as "SCSD Alerts." Additionally, you can download our new app, which features push notifications offering the same alerts.

Road conditions

On Camano Island, newly installed snow gates have replaced manually placed temporary "road closed" signs. The new snow gates are permanently installed with an affixed light. The stop bar will only block one lane, so residents can still access their home. Roads that are closed in Island County can be located at Island County Road Closures.

In Snohomish County, you can view a map showing full road closures on the county's Road Closure page